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  • How to Register - New Member
    1. CREATE AN ACCOUNT All new members must create an account via the SLSA website, select Mandurah SLSC as your Club and Create a Family Group if adding more than one member. ​ If you are signing up two or more members please select “Family” from the drop down box (select “Individual” if you are only signing up yourself/one member) 2. PAY YOUR FEES Please note: All members up to U16 MUST have an adult register too. Parent/Guardian details are to be entered first then click on the link to add additional members/nippers for each new member/nipper. View our Membership information, fees and categories HERE ​ After you submit the membership application/s, a message may pop up about your membership being pending on the payments page. Please continue to pay. You must join AND pay before we can process your request at the club. ​ If paying for the Family Membership, please add in the names of each family member in the description otherwise please create separate transactions for each family member.​​ ​ For insurance purposes, Members who are not financial prior to the 31st October of the joining year will not be eligible to participate in Club, Inter-Club or State Championship Competitions or Activities, until fees are paid and membership is activated.​ 3. WAIT FOR CONFIRMATION Once your membership has been approved you can log into the Members Area account (created by the individual member or the primary member if more than one person joined) members portal account. This account will give you access to all important information about your membership, awards, upcoming patrols etc. Look for Memberships/Family for two or more members in the family. ​

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40 Orestes Street, San Remo, WA 6210

(08) 9518 1419

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