We are delighted to announce Russell Price as our new President and Warwick Webb as the Club Captain. We apologize for the delayed announcement, as we have prioritized the club's operations.
Both members are experienced surf life savers and are dedicated to safety and leadership, and we believe they will guide us to new heights. Please extend a warm welcome and offer your support.

We would like to take this opportunity to officially thank Anthony Gollan (Former Club President) and Darren Gould (Former Club Captain) for their gracious service and support. These outstanding contributors have paved the way for our club to offer support and opportunities for members and the Peel community. Their dedication to the club has seen a collective of over two decades of support by them and their devoted families, and has set the stage for an incredible season ahead. We wish them both a well earned rest from their former active club duties while they spend time with their families and look forward to seeing them at our club social events!
With Russell stepping up, a position for Vice President on our board is now vacant. We invite interested members to submit an expression of interest to contribute to and serve our club by 12pm 27th Feb 24 via the link below.
Thank you for a fantastic start to the 23/24 Surf Life Saving Season!
To meet the Mandurah Surf Life Saving Club Committee and join the team click the link below!