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Our Club's Youth are an integral part of our organization and their active participation is the driving force behind our club's mission.


Discover how you can contribute to beach safety, develop leadership skills, and create meaningful impact in your community through the SLSWA Youth Pathways Program.Youth and Surf Life Saving – it’s more than you think!

Surf Life Saving plays a key role in the community in providing a safe and supportive environment in which young people can grow and develop into young adults with a range of skills that are relevant within all aspects of their life. Approximately 50% of the organisations membership Australia wide are under the age of 18 and as such are critical to the ongoing development and success of the organisation both now and into the future.

Surf Life Saving’s youth are not only the key to our organisations future but in many cases are leading the way now.

Surf Life Saving offer’s a real social network and allows members of all ages to:

  • give back to the community;

  • make lifelong friendships with people from all across the world;

  • learn valuable beach and surf safety;

  • rescue and resuscitation skills; and

  • develop self confidence and strong leadership attributes.

If you are interested please contact the Clubs Youth Officer for more information and keep visiting the website for updates on Youth Activities.

U13-U19 MHSLSC Youth Camp – Cape to Cape Explorer Tours Margaret River – 17-19 April 2023

The 2023 Annual Youth Camp offered opportunities for our club youth to engage in the wild and diverse environments of the Margaret River region.  The themes of fire and biodiversity, Geological formations, Indigenous culture European History were areas of key focus.  The camp included exposure to the themes of local flora and fauna, teamwork, resilience and communication.

Youth Camps are based around having fun, developing teamwork and exposing the Attendees to new activities.  It’s not a training weekend, but everyone is expected to participate in all of the activities set by the Facilitators. to get the most out of this brilliant expedition.


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